Arabi Facts Hub is a nonprofit organization dedicated to research mis/disinformation in the Arabic content on the Internet and provide innovative solutions to detect and identify it.
  Several institutions participated in the campaign against UNRWA. While data does not clearly indicate coordination among these institutions, the media messages conveyed were consistently aligned.
  Following Saudi officer Salem Al Qahtani's criticism of government policies and announcement of his defection, a coordinated Saudi campaign was launched. Engaging a wide network of accounts known for their involvem...
  A coordinated smear campaign against Nayera El Zoghby, the deceased Arish University student, relied on at least 100 fake accounts. This came after accusations against two individuals, one of whom was her dorm mate...
Al Jazeera correspondent, Ismail Abu Omar, lost his leg after he was injured along with the network's cameraman, Ahmed Matar. They were hit by a missile fired from an Israeli drone while covering airstrikes targeting displaced pe...
A coordinated campaign led by accounts supportive of the Popular Mobilization Forces and Iraqi militias carried numerous messages directed towards Jordan and the United States under the hashtag 'Jordan will pay the price.
Online comments by Omar Alaa Mubarak, the grandson of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, on the economic situation in the country, sparked a backlash from supporters of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.
Following the developments of the Israeli war on Gaza, hashtags attacking refugees reappeared in Egypt, alongside statements from Egyptian officials opposing attempts to relocate Palestinians to Egypt, to prevent the "liquidation...