Arabi Facts Hub is a nonprofit organization dedicated to research mis/disinformation in the Arabic content on the Internet and provide innovative solutions to detect and identify it.

AFH Training



Arabi Facts Hub conducted a series of specialized training sessions during the months of January and February 2024 for its fact-checking partner organizations. The training sessions included 7 aspects. The first of which is Digital Storytelling for Fact-Checkers, in which we learned about digital narration methods, creative narration techniques, and integrating information verification with narrative and narrative style.

It also included Media Fact-checking session, which aimed to enhance the skills of verifying images and videos, in addition to tools and strategies that help reach more accurate results.




The sessions also covered Social Media Monitoring and Advanced Search, in which we reviewed advanced search techniques, revealed details of targeted disinformation campaigns and propaganda, who is behind these campaigns, and their tactics. Moreover, a session on Geolocation Fact-checking was conducted, where we used geographical location analysis tools, and verified images and videos with geographical location tools and air and sea navigation tracking tools.

The fifth session presented an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Fact-Checking, which aimed to build a knowledge background about the relationship between AI and the dissemination of information, and how AI can contribute to the spread of misleading information and how it can be used to mitigate it.




The training also discussed Fact-checking Process Management, which reviewed task management tools, the use of editorial policies, and archiving tools to create comprehensive verification reports. We concluded the training with a session on Digital Safety, which reviewed digital safety skills within organizations, and the application of digital security basics such as the use of VPNs, two-factor authentication systems (2FA), and communications encryption techniques.

The training was presented by a group of experts in the field, such as Mohamed Al-Qaq, who is a multi-disciplinary artist - a visual artist, singer, actor, digital narrative and multimedia trainer, art director, and creative media consultant.




In addition, Amjad Kharwat, a fact-checker and trainer in the field of media education in Libya. He is active in the field of science communication. Enas Muzaini participated in conducting the training, and she is a fact-checker in the Anir initiative and the Misbar platform, a translator, and a digital content maker.

Moreover, Mohamed Kassab, an Egyptian journalist and trainer specializing in open source investigations in media organizations including AFH, participated in presenting the training. Last but not least, Jehad Malik presented the Digital Safety session. Jehad is the editor-in-chief of the Anir Initiative, he works in creating content in many local and international awareness projects.