Arabi Facts Hub is a nonprofit organization dedicated to research mis/disinformation in the Arabic content on the Internet and provide innovative solutions to detect and identify it.

Arab Facts Hub Partners Training

Arab Facts Hub Partners Training




Arabi Facts Hub organized a comprehensive series of training sessions throughout January and February 2024 for its partner organizations working in fact-checking. These sessions covered seven key areas.

Firstly, the training delved into digital storytelling for fact-checkers, exploring narrative techniques, creative storytelling methods, and integrating fact-checking with storytelling and narrative styles.

Secondly, the sessions focused on media fact-checking, enhancing participants' abilities to verify images and videos while introducing tools and strategies for achieving more accurate results.

Subsequently, the training explored social media monitoring and advanced search techniques, examining advanced search methodologies, uncovering the intricacies of targeted disinformation campaigns and propaganda, identifying the entities behind these campaigns, and understanding the dynamics of the spread of misleading content. Additionally, geolocation fact-checking was covered, utilizing geographic location analysis tools and verifying images and videos through geolocation tools and tracking maritime and air navigation.

Furthermore, the training introduced artificial intelligence in fact-checking, building a knowledge base on the relationship between AI and the dissemination of information, and exploring how AI can both contribute to the spread of misinformation and be harnessed to combat it.

The training also addressed fact-checking process management, reviewing task management tools, the application of editorial policies, and archiving tools for creating comprehensive fact-checking reports. Finally, the sessions concluded with a focus on digital safety, covering digital safety skills within organizations and implementing cybersecurity fundamentals such as the use of VPNs, two-factor authentication, and encrypted communication techniques.

The training was facilitated by a distinguished group of experts in the field, including Mohamed Al-Qaq, a multidisciplinary artist and digital storytelling trainer, Amjad Khrouat, a fact-checker and media literacy trainer, Inas Mazini, a fact-checker and digital content creator, Mohamed Kassab, an investigative journalist specializing in open-source investigations, and Jihad Malik, editor-in-chief of the Aneer Initiative.