Arabi Facts Hub is a nonprofit organization dedicated to research mis/disinformation in the Arabic content on the Internet and provide innovative solutions to detect and identify it.
  Criticism escalated following the circulation of videos of arrests and harsh treatment of protesters by security forces. In parallel, counter-protest hashtags emerged, some of which were newly created, while others...
  Several hashtags on X promoted the rhetoric of Iran-backed groups targeting an Arab audience and spreading propaganda for the role of Tehran in the region. This effort mirrors Israeli virtual campaigns, within the...
  A call to prayer by Sister Maya Ziyadeh in support of Hezbollah fighters in the South during the Israel-Hezbollah confrontation sparked controversy on social media. This led to a flurry of online interactions, with...
Several Western countries have suspended their aid to the primary humanitarian agency operating in Gaza, following a campaign that relied on Israeli accusations against UNRWA staff for involvement in Hamas attacks....
  Several institutions participated in the campaign against UNRWA. While data does not clearly indicate coordination among these institutions, the media messages conveyed were consistently aligned.
  Following Saudi officer Salem Al Qahtani's criticism of government policies and announcement of his defection, a coordinated Saudi campaign was launched. Engaging a wide network of accounts known for their involvem...
  A coordinated smear campaign against Nayera El Zoghby, the deceased Arish University student, relied on at least 100 fake accounts. This came after accusations against two individuals, one of whom was her dorm mate...