Arabi Facts Hub is a nonprofit organization dedicated to research mis/disinformation in the Arabic content on the Internet and provide innovative solutions to detect and identify it.


MDM/Info Disorder in MENA: Insights, Patterns, and Emerging Trends in the Era of AI

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Behind the Smoke: How Does Disinformation Surrounding Syria's Chemical Attacks Undermine Public Health?

  Salma Daoudi This month marks the commemoration of two of the Syrian regime’s chemical attacks on...
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Disinformation and Misinformation in Sudan: A Parallel Virtual War

  Hamid Khalafallah The outbreak of armed conflict in Sudan on April 15th, 2023, has undermined hopes for a peaceful and democratic transition in the country. The protracted conf...
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Digital Racist Backlash Against Black African Migrants: Tunisian Nativism and the Great Replacement Theory

  Houda Mazioudet When populist Tunisian President Kais Saied made an inflammatory speech on February 21, 2023, about the danger posed by...
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The Manosphere and the Rise of Violent Misogyny Online

  Ninar Fawal It might be tempting to view the emergence of Arab misogynistic “red pill” movement as a mere reproduction of European or American discourses within a widening glo...
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