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The truth about ElBaradei’s responsibility for the occupation of Iraq

The truth about ElBaradei’s responsibility for the occupation of Iraq
It includes the establishment of a museum, an opera house, a sports stadium, and coral farmsIncludes the establishment of a museum, an opera house, a sports stadium, and coral farmsIncludes the establishment of a museum, an opera house, a sports stadium, and coral farmsIncludes t...

The Author

Ayat Orabi, published a post about Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, in which she said: “He is one of those who supported the decisions of the criminal George Bush to strike Iraq. He even said that Bush's decision is a message from the international community that he is tired of trying to disarm Iraq for 12 years, and Iraq must not be tolerated. And that Iraq should not consider the inspections espionage.


– This is not true. Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, the former director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, had no role in the war on Iraq in 2003, and his testimony about the Iraqi nuclear file in the Security Council confirmed the lack of evidence of the existence of an Iraqi nuclear program. ✅✅

– During the work of the Atomic Energy Agency’s Inspection Committee on Iraq, ElBaradei said in a speech to the Security Council on January 27, 2003 (about two months before the invasion of Iraq): “We have not yet found any evidence that Iraq has revived its nuclear weapons program since the abolition of the program in Nineties.” ✅✅

– Then, in February 2003, a delegation from the Vatican visited Iraq, headed by Cardinal Roger Eshgari, the Pope’s envoy, who met former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in Baghdad, and the cardinal said that Saddam “is satisfied with the inspectors’ report.” ✅✅

– On March 7, 2003 (13 days before the invasion of Iraq), ElBaradei presented the Security Council with a presentation on the progress of the inspection efforts in Iraq, in which he said: “After three months of intrusive inspections, we have not yet found any evidence or reasonable indication to revive the program Nuclear weapons in Iraq”. ✅✅