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How did deaths increase in Egypt during the last 10 years?

How did deaths increase in Egypt during the last 10 years?

The Author



  • In March 2020, Egypt recorded its first death from the Corona virus. While the total deaths officially registered so far reached 16,322, according to the data of the Ministry of Health, the Central Agency for Mobilization and Statistics revealed a significant increase in deaths during the past two years.
  • In 2020, when the Corona pandemic appeared in Egypt, 666,000 citizens died compared to 570,000 in 2019, an increase of 96 thousand citizens, which is the largest increase in one year in the past ten years.
  • And during the first 6 months of the current year 2021, 383,000 citizens died in Egypt, compared to 333,000 during the same period (6 months) in 2020, an increase of 50 thousand citizens.
  • In general, the Statistics Authority did not announce the reasons for the large increase in deaths, contrary to its annual habit of clarifying the rates of diseases, accidents and other causes of death.
  • Some link the increase in the death rate with the Corona virus that has spread in Egypt during the last two years, especially since the number of infections announced by the government does not reflect the actual number of infections.
  • And last January, Hala Zayed, the Minister of Health, said that the announced number of Corona virus infections is one tenth of the real infections, due to the presence of many cases of home isolation that the Ministry does not know anything about; Because she is treated at home, and she communicates with the private doctor
  • Zayed’s speech was announced earlier by a member of the Scientific Committee to Combat the Corona Virus, Dr. Muhammad Al-Nadi, in an intervention with the media, Lamis Al-Hadidi, on the “Last Word” program broadcast on the “ON” satellite channel, saying: “We have Corona injuries greater than the announced, the real number of Corona injuries in Egypt is ten. Double the advertiser.”
  • And based on the government’s talk about the actual number of injuries, the order can be applied to deaths, which necessarily will not also reflect the actual number of deaths due to Corona.
  • And press investigations monitored the registration of corona deaths in Egyptian hospitals for other reasons, contrary to the main cause of death. According to a doctor’s statements to “BBC Arabic”, some cases died in home isolation before the test result appeared, or before the test was conducted at all, so these cases were not included in the Corona statistics as well.