مجتمع التحقق العربي هو منظمة بحثية غير ربحية معنية بدراسة الأخبار الزائفة والمعلومات المضللة باللغة العربية على الانترنت، وتقديم الحلول الرائدة والمبتكرة لرصدها

هل نشرت صحيفة فرنسية أخبارًا عن نية كريستيانو رونالدو للتقاعد؟ - تحقق من الادعاء

هل نشرت صحيفة فرنسية أخبارًا عن نية كريستيانو رونالدو للتقاعد؟ - تحقق من الادعاء
تتضمن (زائف- مفبرك- بوست غير صحيح- خبر غير صحيح- تصريح غير دقيق- تصريح كاذب- صورة مزيفة- مضلل- فيديو مضلل- بوست مضلل- خبر مضلل- عنوان مضلل)




Has a French newspaper published news about Cristiano Ronaldo's intention to retire? False claim Many pages posted a claim saying: French newspaper L'Equipe | Ronaldo told his colleagues after the end of the match in the dressing room that he would retire from football now! The truth ✅✅ The French newspaper L'Equipe did not publish such news on its website, and the last article in which the newspaper mentioned Ronaldo's name after Portugal lost was entitled: "Another failure of Cristiano Ronaldo and Portugal in the World Cup," and this is the link to the article: https://www.lequipe.fr/Football/Article/Nouvel-echec-pour-cristiano-ronaldo-et-le-portugal-en-coupe-du-monde/1369500

دحض الإدعاء

Has a French newspaper published news about Cristiano Ronaldo's intention to retire? False claim Many pages posted a claim saying: French newspaper L'Equipe | Ronaldo told his colleagues after the end of the match in the dressing room that he would retire from football now! The truth ✅✅ The French newspaper L'Equipe did not publish such news on its website, and the last article in which the newspaper mentioned Ronaldo's name after Portugal lost was entitled: "Another failure of Cristiano Ronaldo and Portugal in the World Cup," and this is the link to the article: https://www.lequipe.fr/Football/Article/Nouvel-echec-pour-cristiano-ronaldo-et-le-portugal-en-coupe-du-monde/1369500