مجتمع التحقق العربي هو منظمة بحثية غير ربحية معنية بدراسة الأخبار الزائفة والمعلومات المضللة باللغة العربية على الانترنت، وتقديم الحلول الرائدة والمبتكرة لرصدها

فحص مزاعم إطلاق البيض على حافلة منتخب البرازيل

فحص مزاعم إطلاق البيض على حافلة منتخب البرازيل
تتضمن (زائف- مفبرك- بوست غير صحيح- خبر غير صحيح- تصريح غير دقيق- تصريح كاذب- صورة مزيفة- مضلل- فيديو مضلل- بوست مضلل- خبر مضلل- عنوان مضلل)




Angry fans shooting eggs to the Brazil national team bus, is this real⁉️🤔🤔 Misleading claim ❌❌❌ Old video of protests against the President of Brazil Details 👇 Some pages posted a video with a title saying this is how the Brazilian national team was received verification: After searching 🔍 we found that the video is old and was posted on March 27, 2018 By searching the content and text of the description of the video, we found that the incident was within the protests by opponents of Brazilian President Lula de Silva ✅ It's not the first time the same clip has been posted 🤔✅ the same clip was circulated in 2018 with misleading and incorrect headlines saying that the video was to the Brazil national team after its loss and its return from the 2018 World Cup. Sources: a video posted on March 27, 2018 https://youtu.be/FG89IWNMLTY:=:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG89IWNMLTY news from Reuters, on the same date, about an attack on buses belonging to the Brazilian president's election campaign https://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-politics-lula-idUSKBN1H406B A news link talking about the incident in Portuguese https://www.noticiasagricolas.com.br/noticias/politica-economia/210688-veja-reacao-dos-manifestantes-a-chuva-de-ovos-de-dentro-dos-onibus-da-caravana-de-:=:https://www.noticiasagricolas.com.br/noticias/politica-economia/210688-veja-reacao-dos-manifestantes-a-chuva-de-ovos-de-dentro-dos-onibus-da-caravana-de-lula.html lula. html

دحض الإدعاء

Angry fans shooting eggs to the Brazil national team bus, is this real⁉️🤔🤔 Misleading claim ❌❌❌ Old video of protests against the President of Brazil Details 👇 Some pages posted a video with a title saying this is how the Brazilian national team was received verification: After searching 🔍 we found that the video is old and was posted on March 27, 2018 By searching the content and text of the description of the video, we found that the incident was within the protests by opponents of Brazilian President Lula de Silva ✅ It's not the first time the same clip has been posted 🤔✅ the same clip was circulated in 2018 with misleading and incorrect headlines saying that the video was to the Brazil national team after its loss and its return from the 2018 World Cup. Sources: a video posted on March 27, 2018 https://youtu.be/FG89IWNMLTY:=:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG89IWNMLTY news from Reuters, on the same date, about an attack on buses belonging to the Brazilian president's election campaign https://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-politics-lula-idUSKBN1H406B A news link talking about the incident in Portuguese https://www.noticiasagricolas.com.br/noticias/politica-economia/210688-veja-reacao-dos-manifestantes-a-chuva-de-ovos-de-dentro-dos-onibus-da-caravana-de-:=:https://www.noticiasagricolas.com.br/noticias/politica-economia/210688-veja-reacao-dos-manifestantes-a-chuva-de-ovos-de-dentro-dos-onibus-da-caravana-de-lula.html lula. html