مجتمع التحقق العربي هو منظمة بحثية غير ربحية معنية بدراسة الأخبار الزائفة والمعلومات المضللة باللغة العربية على الانترنت، وتقديم الحلول الرائدة والمبتكرة لرصدها

حقيقة صورة نصب ميدان الغزالة: هل تم استبدالها بتمثال غريب؟

حقيقة صورة نصب ميدان الغزالة: هل تم استبدالها بتمثال غريب؟
تتضمن (زائف- مفبرك- بوست غير صحيح- خبر غير صحيح- تصريح غير دقيق- تصريح كاذب- صورة مزيفة- مضلل- فيديو مضلل- بوست مضلل- خبر مضلل- عنوان مضلل)




What is the truth about the image of Al-Ghazala Square Monument⁉️ Misleading claim❌ the details✅ We noticed a circulating photo with a claim saying A strange figure was placed in place of the deer statue in Al Ghazala square A colleague went to Al-Ghazala Square and photographed it, and in fact, the place for Al-Ghazala is still empty. And by searching for the image which was linked with the claim, we came to the original image, which is located in front of Tripoli Marine Station near Al-Shaab Park since 2020. the claim is misleading Photo of the object near Al-Shaal Park in the comments below

دحض الإدعاء

What is the truth about the image of Al-Ghazala Square Monument⁉️ Misleading claim❌ the details✅ We noticed a circulating photo with a claim saying A strange figure was placed in place of the deer statue in Al Ghazala square A colleague went to Al-Ghazala Square and photographed it, and in fact, the place for Al-Ghazala is still empty. And by searching for the image which was linked with the claim, we came to the original image, which is located in front of Tripoli Marine Station near Al-Shaab Park since 2020. the claim is misleading Photo of the object near Al-Shaal Park in the comments below