مجتمع التحقق العربيهو منظمة بحثية غير ربحية معنية بدراسة الأخبار الزائفة والمعلومات المضللة باللغة العربية على الانترنت، وتقديم الحلول الرائدة والمبتكرة لرصدها
تتضمن (زائف- مفبرك- بوست غير صحيح- خبر غير صحيح- تصريح غير دقيق- تصريح كاذب- صورة مزيفة- مضلل- فيديو مضلل- بوست مضلل- خبر مضلل- عنوان مضلل)
What is the truth about the picture of the delivery worker whose bike was stolen in Benghazi⁉️ Misleading claim❌ the details: Pages and accounts circulated a photowith a claim saying in arabic A sad picture of a delivery worker after his bike was stolen. after he entered to perform prayers in a mosque in #Benghazi. The truth ✅✅ We searched for the photo and the claim Through the research, we concluded that the photo was taken in the city of Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan … next to the "Crystal Hotel" According to the preliminary information that we obtained when searching for the text of the claim … the picture is of a young man whose bike was stolen in Kurdistan. This is according to what was reported by some local media!! we were not sure of the true story of the photo, but the photo is not in Benghazi and not in Libya... it is in Erbil the claim is misleading Link to the Crystal Hotel site https://g.co/kgs/FidGby:=:https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&v= You can find a picture of the hotel in the comments
دحض الإدعاء
What is the truth about the picture of the delivery worker whose bike was stolen in Benghazi⁉️ Misleading claim❌ the details: Pages and accounts circulated a photowith a claim saying in arabic A sad picture of a delivery worker after his bike was stolen. after he entered to perform prayers in a mosque in #Benghazi. The truth ✅✅ We searched for the photo and the claim Through the research, we concluded that the photo was taken in the city of Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan … next to the "Crystal Hotel" According to the preliminary information that we obtained when searching for the text of the claim … the picture is of a young man whose bike was stolen in Kurdistan. This is according to what was reported by some local media!! we were not sure of the true story of the photo, but the photo is not in Benghazi and not in Libya... it is in Erbil the claim is misleading Link to the Crystal Hotel site https://g.co/kgs/FidGby:=:https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&v= You can find a picture of the hotel in the comments