مجتمع التحقق العربيهو منظمة بحثية غير ربحية معنية بدراسة الأخبار الزائفة والمعلومات المضللة باللغة العربية على الانترنت، وتقديم الحلول الرائدة والمبتكرة لرصدها
تتضمن (زائف- مفبرك- بوست غير صحيح- خبر غير صحيح- تصريح غير دقيق- تصريح كاذب- صورة مزيفة- مضلل- فيديو مضلل- بوست مضلل- خبر مضلل- عنوان مضلل)
New photos of "Abu Ajila Masoud Al-Marimi" from his prison in America❓❓ No, Misleading claim ❌ The truth ✅✅ We searched for the widespread images, and we did not find any of them in any reliable website. And the only picture we found published in American sources is not among these pictures. We reached for the first photo and we found the first published post, the photo 25 hours ago. These images are generated using artificial intelligence techniques. An account named "Muhammad Khalifa" had shared the photos on Facebook for the first time 25 hours ago, adding a comment saying: "I used artificial intelligence to draw Abu Ajila Al-Marimi for me, and this was the result." American newspapers and websites published a picture of Masoud Abu-Ageila, who was wearing a detention suit after his first appearance in court, and he is accused of making the bomb used in the Lockerbie bombing. sources the post that published the generated images: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=668489144969447&id=100054251020991&sfnsn=mo&mibextid=6aamW6
دحض الإدعاء
New photos of "Abu Ajila Masoud Al-Marimi" from his prison in America❓❓ No, Misleading claim ❌ The truth ✅✅ We searched for the widespread images, and we did not find any of them in any reliable website. And the only picture we found published in American sources is not among these pictures. We reached for the first photo and we found the first published post, the photo 25 hours ago. These images are generated using artificial intelligence techniques. An account named "Muhammad Khalifa" had shared the photos on Facebook for the first time 25 hours ago, adding a comment saying: "I used artificial intelligence to draw Abu Ajila Al-Marimi for me, and this was the result." American newspapers and websites published a picture of Masoud Abu-Ageila, who was wearing a detention suit after his first appearance in court, and he is accused of making the bomb used in the Lockerbie bombing. sources the post that published the generated images: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=668489144969447&id=100054251020991&sfnsn=mo&mibextid=6aamW6